[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone

Large, 25mm diaphragm USB studio condenser microphone.
Works with iPad using Apple's Lightning USB Camera Adapter or Camera Connection Kit (30-pin).
16-bit, 44.1/48kHz resolution.
Smooth, flat frequency response of 20Hz-20kHz.
Stereo 1/8' headphone jack for no latency monitoring.
Large, 25mm diaphragm USB studio condenser microphone.
Works with iPad using Apple's Lightning USB Camera Adapter or Camera Connection Kit (30-pin).
16-bit, 44.1/48kHz resolution.
Smooth, flat frequency response of 20Hz?20kHz.
Stereo 1/8' headphone jack for no latency monitoring.
Meteor Mic is the universal solution for recording music on your computer. Perfect for your home studio, Meteor Mic is also ideal for Skype, iChat or voice recognition software. With Meteor Mic, you can make incredible recordings that are out of this world.
Samson Meteor Mic
Meteor Mic is perfect for voiceovers and podcasts. View larger
Samson Meteor Mic
Stereo headphone output and headphone volume knob give you complete control. View larger
Samson Meteor Mic
Meteor Mic plugs right into your iPad with Apple's USB connector. View larger
Solid and Sound
Producing rich audio recording for any application, Meteor Mic has one of the largest condenser diaphragms (25mm) of any USB mic available. Its cardioid pickup pattern, smooth frequency response and 16-bit, 44.1/48kHz resolution give you professional audio results no matter what you're recording.
Meteor Mic's chrome-plated body includes a fold-back leg design that looks amazing on your desktop. And the legs adjust to the optimal position for any recording application from acoustic guitars to vocals or speech.
A stereo 1/8-inch headphone output for no latency monitoring and headphone volume knob give you complete control. A microphone mute switch gives you audio privacy while video conferencing. Samson has integrated a mic stand adapter into the bottom so you can mount the Meteor Microphone on a boom or desktop stand.
Since there's no need for drivers, you can達人推薦 start recording right out of the box on any computer. And Meteor Mic is compatible with most computer-based digital audio workstations. A USB cable and carry pouch are also included.
Take Your Music to the Other Side
For singer/songwriters or a band looking to capture a jam session right on a computer, Meteor Mic ensures you get every note. Its cardioid pickup pattern captures pristine vocals or can be used to close-mic an instrument or guitar amplifier.
Meteor Mic Meets iPad Meets GarageBand
Unlike other USB mics that require a powered USB hub, Meteor Mic plugs right into your iPad with Apple's USB connector. It's never been easier to start recording.
Making the Magic
For multimedia creators, Meteor Mic brings amazing audio quality to voiceovers. If you're adding narration to a company video, or even your home movies, Meteor Mic will give your words clarity and impact. You can even use Meteor Mic to narrate PowerPoint presentations.
Preferred for Podcasting
As podcasting continues to grow in popularity, creators need both audio quality and ease of use. Meteor Mic can help you wow your listeners and set yourself apart in a crowded podcasting community.
Meteor Mic is a unique, all-in-one solution that lets you make great recordings on your computer, so you always make an impact.
About Samson
Samson Technologies began in 1980 as a pioneer in wireless microphone technology. Today, Samson is an industry leader in professional audio solutions whose products are known for their fidelity and reliability. Samson products are preferred by recording artists, performers, educators and audio professionals throughout the world.
In the early '90s, Samson began to expand the reach of their audio products through the development of power amplifiers, mixers, wired microphones and signal processors. In 2005, the first professional USB microphones to be used by musicians, broadcasters and podcast enthusiasts were introduced, making Samson USB microphones the new industry standard. Over three decades, Samson has grown from a small two-person operation to a worldwide enterprise, dedicated to innovating new products that will enhance the lives of music and broadcast professionals everywhere.
Item Weight 10.6 ounces
Product Dimensions 6 x 3 x 5 inches
Shipping Weight 1.3 pounds
Origin Imported (USA)
Item model number METEOR


[美國直購] SamsCP值爆表on 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
中央銀行總裁彭淮南任期將於明(2018)年2月屆滿,他已表態不再續任,外界關切誰會成為下任央行總裁?其中台灣金控暨台灣銀行董事長呂桔誠也被市場點名是人選之一。對此,呂桔誠 19 日在立法院財委會表示,「我沒聽說,我沒想過,從來沒想過」。
財委會 19 日邀請金管會、國發會、經濟部等單位首長就「金融業新南向政策成效與未來挑戰」進行專題報告,而公股行庫董總也都列席備詢。國民黨立委羅明才質詢時先問台銀有沒有參與慶富造船聯貸案?呂桔誠表示,台銀有參與,聯貸金額 20 億元,但他沒見過慶富造船的董事長,他並認為,這聯貸案有當時的考量。
此外,央行總裁彭淮南將退休,加上市場點名呂桔誠學經歷完整,與彭淮南出身相似,尤其不到 60 歲的年輕優勢,加上綠營背景,有可能是接任央行總裁的黑馬。羅明才也藉機詢問呂桔誠,有人請你去當央行總裁嗎?呂桔誠回應指出,「我沒聽說,我沒想過,從來沒想過」。
而蘋果第4季iPhone、iPad和Mac電腦銷售量皆較去年同期成長,其中,第4季iPhone銷售量來到4667.7萬支,季增14%、年增3%。而市場關iPhone X與3D感測器,蘋果表示iPhone X將推動本季(2018年度第1季為截至12月底)營收達創紀錄的840至870億美元,估季增63%,毛利率估介於38.0至38.5%之間。
在iPhone X銷售暢旺和獲利激勵下,蘋果盤後股價漲逾3%來到173.20美元,而國內iPhone X也正式開賣。今(3)日蘋概股表現,大型股如台積電、鴻海與大立光,早盤各家表現不一,沒有想像中有太大激情,部分中小型走揚或是小漲格局。其中台積電跌0.6%,鴻海漲0.8%,大立光逐步走強,漲幅來到2%以上。其他蘋概股如超眾、勁永漲4%,玉晶光、宸鴻漲超過1.5%,而台股開高後走低一度翻黑。
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB秒殺 Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone
[美國直購] Samson 麥克風 Meteor 收納式 專業型 電容式 Mic USB Studio Microphone